Why Cloud Services: The Remote Workforce

Most people associate the term “remote workforce” with high tech employment. However the fact of the matter is, the remote workforce can also include jobs such as salespeople, tradespeople, bookkeepers, employees stationed at remote sites, or employees who spend most of their day working directly with clients at client sites.
Why Cloud Services?
Cloud services provides businesses with all of the employer / employee advantages of having a remote workforce.
It’s Cheaper: The days of having enough physical space for every employee are over. Remote employees, with their own laptops and smartphones, do not need to be sitting at a desk in an office, in which you are paying rent.
It’s Flexible: A virtual workspace is always the right size. You never have too much room and you never have too little space. You can hire the right person for the job at the hours you need.
It’s Greener: Drive times, gas costs, parking costs and the other complications associated with commuting are eliminated for employees who do not necessarily need to be at the physical workplace.
It’s Targeted: A remote workforce means that you can easily hire and supervise someone outside of your immediate area, especially if your business has multiple locations or a wide geographic range. You can hire the right person in the right place for the job.
It’s Productive: Having the option of allowing employees to work from home under certain circumstances means more productivity. When working with employees who are in remote or at client sites, it can mean greater accountability.
Cloud services allow employers and employees direct access to the same place – the workplace. Employees can connect from anywhere, and can experience the same features as they would if they were physically in the same office (i.e. secure files sharing and telephone system), as well as enabling collaboration from shared calendar, shared contacts and more.
Eliminate the IT headaches with cloud services so you can do what you do best – run your business.